For Sale 1 hp 3450rpm 48Y Frame 230 volts Square Flange Pool Pump-Energy Efficient replacement motor AO
48Y Square Flange replacement pool motor. This is an energy efficient rated motor with a High Service factor. Motor is found on many in ground pool pumps such as Sta-Rite Max-E Glas, Dura Glas, Dyna Glas. Motor has a square type flange for mounting the pump. 4 non-threaded bolts holes in flange. 1 year manufacture warranty. 115/208-230 volts 16.0/8.0 amps 60hz. Automatic Overload Protection - Service Factor 1.65 Non-Reversible - CCW Rotation facing the shaft Square Flange Motor - No Base 5/8" diameter threaded shaft
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